What's New

We are constantly improving Reflow with new features and additions. Follow us on twitter to learn when new updates are released.

Jun 5, 2024

  • A new detailed step by step guide for building Next.js apps with Reflow is now available. Read it here.

  • The product API endpoints were extended with a flag for fetching hidden products. Learn more.

Apr 26, 2024

  • You can now define setup fees and one-time charges for subscription plans. Learn more.

  • Over the past year we've enhanced Reflow to do much more than just building online stores. This calls for some changes. "Stores" are now referred to as "Projects" in the website, docs, libraries and API. The change is fully backwards compatible, no updates are necessary to your code.

  • The products API endpoint was extended with a new ids attribute for returning specific products. Docs.

Mar 18, 2024

  • An official next.js commerce example is now available. It is a fully functional open source online store which you can modify and deploy. See our release post.

  • A new Learn section with tutorials is now available on our website. There you can find practical examples on using Reflow alongside popular libraries and APIs to build real apps.

  • The coupons page can now be filtered by type and searched.

  • Customer notes in orders can now be edited and cleared.

Feb 7, 2024

  • Paddle is now supported as a payment method for subscriptions. This integration lets you build SAAS apps with user accounts and payments without dealing with VAT and sales tax. See docs.

  • You can now limit payment methods to specific cart amounts. This way you can make a method available only if the cart is above or below a certain sum. Learn more.

Jan 9, 2024

  • A Best Sellers page is now available under the Products menu. It gives you a quick overview of your most sold products for a given date period.

  • Products can now be restricted to specific shipping methods, including being available for pickup from only specific stores.

  • You can now select to update existing products during import instead of inserting as new products. This makes it possible to continuously import and update products from external software. See docs.

Oct 13, 2023

  • Custom auth domains are here! You can configure Reflow Auth to use a custom domain instead of a reflowhq.com subdomain. Learn more.

  • Discord is now supported as a sign-in method in Reflow Auth.

  • Two factor authentication is now supported. Activate it from your account settings.

Aug 30, 2023

  • Product images can now be cropped and rotated from Reflow's product edit page. Just press the pencil icon overlaid to each image in the gallery.

  • You can now assign handles to products. They are returned as part of the product json in API calls, and you can pass them as an alternative to product ids. The intended use case is to include them in the URL for better SEO, similar to how slugs work in WordPress and other CMS. Learn more.

  • Support for shipping label services like Pirate Ship and Shippo was added. Order export was also improved with more filters and options. Learn more.

Aug 17, 2023

  • You can now configure Reflow to send customer emails via your own SMTP server. This way all emails will arrive from your own domain and brand. Learn more

Aug 10, 2023

  • Email & password sign-in is now supported by Reflow Auth. You can choose what information to collect from users and whether they should agree to your site's terms and conditions. Learn more in our docs.

Jul 28, 2023

  • Integration with Google Merchant Center is now supported! Connect your Reflow store with our new Product Feeds. Learn more.