Contact us

You've run into an issue with Reflow or have something to ask? Read our FAQ below, or click here to write to us.

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Suggested Questions (click to scroll the page)

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I use Reflow for client websites?

    Of course! Just create a new account for your client and link their PayPal/Stripe accounts.

    How much does Reflow cost?

    Reflow has a free and a paid plan. You can compare them here.

    Does Reflow charge processing fees?

    No, our service is available for a fixed subscription price and we don't charge extra fees. However keep in mind that the payment provider you connect (Stripe, PayPal) will continue charging their standard fees on every transaction.

    Do you support digital products?

    Yes, you can sell physical products as well as digital downloads.

    Do you have React or Vue.js versions of Reflow?

    At the moment Reflow comes in the form of a vanilla JS library. We will be developing React and Vue versions in the future. If you have suggestions or ideas on how it should work, be sure to write to us.

    Does Reflow work with WordPress and Drupal?

    Yes. Reflow is just a JS library. If you are able to add JS and write HTML in your CMS, you can integrate Reflow easily.

    Can I import products from other ecommerce systems?

    Yes, we support importing from Shopify and any other source that can export a CSV file.

    Which browsers does Reflow support?

    Recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge are supported.

    What are your cancellation terms?

    You can cancel your subscription at any time by clicking a button in your settings page. Your project will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle and you can export your data freely. No cancellation fees are charged.
    Consult our terms for more details.

    I think I found a bug. What do I do?

    Write to us by using the form above, or send us an email. Include as much information as you can - browser version, a URL to a demonstration of the bug and screenshots will help a lot!