What's New

We are constantly improving Reflow with new features and additions. Follow us on twitter to learn when new updates are released.

Apr 7, 2022

  • Reflow can now manage your inventory. Enter a quantity when creating/editing products and variants, and Reflow will update it automatically and limit purchases to only what's available. Learn more in our docs.

  • You can now reorder categories with drag and drop. The Category List component will display them as you've intended.

Mar 23, 2022

  • A "View Cart" component was added. It can generate a badge with the number of products in the customer's cart and display an overlay with the products. Check out the docs for more info and examples.

  • Categories can now have child categories. You can choose a category's parent when creating or editing it. Docs.

  • A "Category List" component was added. It displays a list of all categories and child categories in your store. Learn more here.

  • You can now require customers to agree with your store's Terms and Conditions and/or Privacy Policy before proceeding with the checkout. You can enable it from the Settings page of your store.

Mar 10, 2022

  • Product personalization is here! You can now create free or paid addons for your products like engravings, gift wrapping and others. Learn more in our docs.

Mar 4, 2022

  • You can now switch your store to "Vacation Mode". While on vacation, your store will not accept purchases and will display a configurable message to potential customers. Learn more in the docs.

Feb 24, 2022

  • When marking a product as Shipped, you can now instruct Reflow to notify the customer with an email.

  • Variants can now have weights. If no weight is set, the variant is assumed to have the same weight as the product.

  • A new "Show In Store" check was added to products. With it you can hide items from the store without deleting them.

Feb 10, 2022

  • You can now define entirely custom ways for customers to pay you. For example you can setup payments with a bank transfer, crypto, WhatsApp and others. Learn more in our docs.

  • You can now activate alternative payment methods in Stripe, like Bancontact, EPS, iDEAL, Sofort and others. This setting is only available if your store's country supports the respective Stripe payment method. Learn more.

  • Products can now have Excerpts - a shorter version of the description that is presented in product listings.

  • New currencies were added: RON, BGN, TRY, ZAR, INR, CNY, KRW, CLP, COP.

Jan 19, 2022

  • A new /categories endpoint was added to the API. You can use it to get a list of categories in your store.

Jan 11, 2022

  • Variants can now have individual photos. Pick one of the product photos when editing your product's variants.

    Customers see the chosen image when the variant is selected in the product page and in the shopping cart.

Jan 6, 2022

  • You can now create coupon codes in your reflow stores! Coupons can be either percentage based or a fixed amount. Learn more in our docs.

Dec 18, 2021

  • You can now add prices to variants. If a variant doesn't have a price set, the product price is used as a fallback. See our docs for more info.