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Paying with Test Mode Cards

While in test mode, all charges will be virtual with no real money being transferred. Depending on the used payment method, special credentials might be required in order to validate and complete payment forms.


In test mode Reflow activates PayPal Sandbox. To use it, make sure you've created a business sandbox account and entered its email in the Connect PayPal dialog.

You can then use the provided PayPal test cards to simulate successful payments or force card errors.


For testing Stripe payments no additional setup is required. The only thing to look out for is that all payments made while Reflow's test mode is enabled will appear in your Stripe test-mode dashboard.

Stripe provides a wide range of test cards which can be used to simulate various payment outcomes. These will only work when test mode is enabled.


You can try out a test Paddle integration by creating a sandbox account and entering its API key in the Connect Paddle dialog. All records created in Reflow's test mode will be associated with the Paddle sandbox account and will be completely separate from your live account.

While in sandbox mode, you can use Paddle's test cards for payment. Regular credit and debit cards will not be accepted.