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Sign Out a User

To sign out a user call the signOut function from a client component. This will end the user's session and clear all auth-next cookies.

"use client";

import { signOut } from "@reflowhq/auth-next/client";

export default function SignOutButton() {
return (
onClick={() =>
signOut({ onSuccess: () => console.log("User signed out!") })

Like all other client methods, we need to import signOut from the @reflowhq/auth-next/client module.

After the user has signed-out, the onSuccess callback will be called. You can use it to display a success message, rerender the page or redirect.

This component can then be added to any page on the server:


import getAuth from "@/auth";
import SignInButton from "./components/SignInButton";
import SignOutButton from "./components/SignOutButton";

export default async function Page() {
const auth = getAuth();
const user = await auth.user();

if (user) {
return (
<p>Hello, {}.</p>
<SignOutButton />

return <SignInButton />;