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Custom Payment Methods

Custom methods can be used for adding payment options like Bank Transfer, Cash on Delivery or anything else specific to you ecommerce store's needs.

In contrast to the PayPal and Stripe integrations where orders are processed automatically by Reflow, custom payment methods are manual. This means that it is up to you to update the order as paid in your project's orders page when you receive your customer's funds.

Custom methods are presented as a payment option in your store's checkout page. When customers select a custom payment method, they will be presented with instructions for completing the order that you've prepared. Reflow will send you an email informing you of the placed order.

To create a Custom Payment Method go to the Payment Methods page and click Add Payment Method -> Custom Method. This will open a dialog where you can enter:

  • Name - The name of the payment option. This will be displayed to customers as a button in the checkout form.
  • Instructions to Customer - (optional) Give instructions to the user on how they can send the payment. In the text you can use the {orderid} placeholder to insert the ID of the order and {amount} to insert the total amount required for payment.
  • Expiration time - How many days to wait for payment before automatically cancelling the order.

Here is an example for a custom Bank Transfer payment configuration:

Custom payment example configuration